How to Set Up a Foot Clinic for Homeless Men and Women

Cleaning Tools and Containers Properly
How Does a Foot Clinic Work?
First Things First
Necessary Supplies
Foot Cleaning Instructions
Tip Sheet for Washing Feet
How to Prepare a Foot Bath
Tip Sheet: Foot Bath Recipe
Cleaning Tools and Containers Properly
Sample Letter for New Volunteers
Sample Mission Statement
Why I Do It
Contact Me

A dirty clinic is an invitation to big trouble.  Keep your clinic, tools, and tubs as clean as possible or you will risk spreading athletes' foot, toenail fungus, and various infections, including HIV. 
It is EASY to keep a clean clinic.  Here are some suggestions:

Wash all tools and tubs thoroughly with soap and hot water. 
When preparing to use your tools, soak them in a strong solution of cool water and wintergreen rubbing alcohol.  Keep them in this solution the whole time you are using them.
The tool most likely to spread bacteria or a fungus is the callus rasp, as the dead skin it removes can become trapped in its interior.  Remedy this by banging it sharply against the edge or side of a sink.  In my clinic this is known as "Banging the Rasp."  I even have a little sign posted above the sink reminding everyone to "Bang the Rasp."  Bang the flat sides AND the edges of the rasp to get it really clean.
The floor of your clinic needs to be swept and then mopped with any type of germicidal cleanser after each day of use.  Germicidal cleanser can be purchaced at dollar stores.

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